Diwali & Children's Day: The Celebration Of Lights And Kids
Diwali and Children's day are truly among the most joyous festivals of all time. Diwali the celebration of lights and Children's day the celebration of our little ones and being able to celebrate both the festivals on the same day is more like a double dhamaka celebration this year.
Diwali 2020: The festival of Light, Hope and Prosperity
The festival of lights or Diwali is one of the popular festivals celebrated across India to celebrate the new year for Hindus. The reason behind Diwali is very popular across India is that everyone can relate to the festival of coloured lamps and sizzling firecrackers that brings together the love and joy among people. In Tamil Nadu, Diwali is celebrated as Deepavali with similar customs like wearing new clothes, bursting crackers and lighting lamps or diyas. But it is mandatory in Deepavali in South India to have an oil bath in the early morning which is followed throughout the years.
The most traditional way of celebrating Diwali is by lighting oil lamps which are made from clay which is pretty and more eco-friendly than the modern LED lights. Diwali also marks the victory of Lord Ram over the demon king Ravanan. Diwali is the auspicious time of the year which marks prosperity, good health and happiness the year ahead. The Nesavu takes immense pleasure in wishing you a Happy Diwali. Let the year ahead bring all joy and happiness to you and your loved ones.

Children's Day 2020: The celebration of the little ones who teach us great things.
Every year on November 14th, the birthday of our former Prime Minister Dr Jawarharlal Nehru is also celebrated as Children's day. He was a person who believed that nurturing a child today is like nurturing the country for tomorrow. That is the reason behind India celebrating Children's day on November 14th.

A very popular saying says that we have three things to learn from kids.1. To be active throughout the day 2. The curiosity for knowing new things 3. The spirit to take no for an answer until the desired thing is achieved. These are very valuable as we change so much as adults that we lose the superpower of being a child.
This children's day, embrace little things your child does, encourage the personality of who they are and finally let them rock their world. A child requires a lot of love, care and freedom at the same time.
Now it is even better to take care of your child's dressing needs when you choose to buy with us at The Nesavu, as we handcraft dresses which are designed based on the likeable of a child. All our outfits are handcrafted with love, and they are also easy on the skin, which makes it the most adorable dresses ever worn.
This Diwali and Children's day pamper your children the most charming collections that will make them feel and be like a goddess. The Nesavu wishes the lovely little ones A Very Happy Children's Day.